Saturday, July 24, 2004

I got linked

So I just found out that i got linked to on so i decided maybe i should update my blog just a little.

So i've decided that I dont have time for anything at all anymore.  It takes being super busy to realize that all those things you do when you are bored really do mean a lot to you.  Like it was not until last night that i got to read about Jacob's exciting time camping, and I still have not gotten to read like the last 5 posts on caleb's blog.  But i'm really excited about reading his endevors at Bill Gate's house. 

My parents went to california last week so i didnt want to be home all by myself being bored because that just gets scary, so I hung out with greg a lot.  And last week was a full 5 day week so it's not like I had all day of friday to do nothing and be bored.   So all of my "i'm bored" past times were put on hold. 

I forgot where i was going with all this...

Anyway, my parents got back last night, but i havent seen them yet so i'm going downstairs.

Oh yeah, and I want to buy a camera, so if any of you have any suggestions let me know.


Anonymous said...

Seriously. The thing about school that I'm most looking forward to is the free time that I'll have. I don't think that my summers have ever been busier than my semesters. Is it bad that I'm already anticipating Christmas break?

- Caleb

Jacob Foshee said...

Caleb, you know you aren't going to have free time. TAGD needs you! With the big plans Luke has in store, and the fact that you are the only member to have worked at a premier software development company, I think your role is pretty well locked in. ;-)

Kristen, did you end up getting a camera? Which one? Hang in there at work! When you graduate you can get a job that you enjoy more. Or, you can just go to grad school! (=

kristen said...

I am nearing the end of work. I'm really excited. I only have 3 more weeks and then i'm free. I have also taken the liberty of cutting back my hours these last few weeks. Like today for instance, i went in an hour late and left an hour early. It was nice.

Anyway, i did buy a camera, and hopefully i will get it soon.

You can see it there. It's pretty.