Friday, July 09, 2004

It's friday

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce that today is friday. Fridays are good because that means i dont have to go to work tomorrow.

So i would like to start out by saying a word about the housing situation. So Roxann, my new roommate, went and talked to the Housing Department. She said they told her we had to wait until they can talk to everyone involved in all of it. So, that does not sound promising. But that's ok. B5 will be a good room too.

So i got a new keyboard today. Actually i ordered it last week. If you want to see where it went you can click here I think it's funny that it went to ft worth twice. And it go to go to all those places for just 5 dollars.

So i got in a fight with my mom tonight at dinner. She told my brother he couldnt start his own cycling club. And i told him he could, and that my old calculus teacher, Mr. Feldstein, would love to sponsor it. She got mad, and said that the school wouldnt ever let him make up his own club. But i told her people make up their own clubs all the time, and she said the school wouldnt want to be liable for a cycling club.

So, since then i've been hiding in my room. I hide a lot in my room when i'm at home. But i'm not home very often.

Oh, so all of you computer scientists out there, this one is for you...
So i got this thing in the mail today from the cs department. It's like some sort of newsletter. So since i get like one piece of mail a week i look at it. And i flipped through the pages, and who do i see in there? Why none other than myself. They had a picture of TAGD in there doing big event stuff, and there i was. Caleb was there too, and brian. I just felt important having my picture printed on the same piece of paper as Stroustup cause he was on the page before me.

So i'm waiting for greg to get dressed because i want to go hang out. I havent hung out in a long time. I'm tired of all i ever do is sleep and work. This whole work thing is no fun. Oh and sometimes i do calculus, but that is not fun either. But i only have about a month left of work, and then it's summer time again for 2 weeks, and then school starts.

ok, enough of this.

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