Wednesday, July 14, 2004

It's blogging time!!

Urg, i still honestly cannot understand how so many people work so many hours in a day and still be sane because by 3:30 i've gone totally insane.

So at work they made me webmistress. Now keep in mind i had never made a website in my life. Well except for this one. But that doesnt really count. Anyway, so I am in charge of F-18 webpages. So there are three of them cause we have contracts with the US navy, Canada, and Australia. They are just internal websites that just link to important stuff and have everythign anyone would need all right there together, so it's nothing very impressive, but i like them.

eh, i dont feel like blogging anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man Kristen, you gots to let people know when you get a blog set up. You just got :)