Saturday, July 03, 2004

Dont see monster

So my older brother recently rented monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci. I got probably an hour and a half through it untill i decided that this movie was really really horrible and i couldnt stand to watch another minute of it.

First of all, Charlize Theron's character was a hooker and Christina Ricci's character was a lesbian, so they hook up which makes for some really gross scenes and then Charlize Theron's character decides to start killing her clients. The first one was justifiable, but the rest werent. Also, they cursed like way too much. So i'd had enough of the lesbians, killing, and swearing and turned it off.

But, speaking of movies, i saw Breakfast at Tiffany's with Greg, Kevin, Jared, and Kyle. It was undoubtedly very good. I especially liked the part at the end when she had to go back for her cat, and then go back for the guy. She obviously had her priorities in order.

Anyway, yesterday i felt like spending money. I think it was because of the gigantic fry's ad that was in the paper yesterday. So I decided on this 17" LCD monitor. It is normally 500, but it was 100 dollars off with a 50 dollar rebate. so all in all it was a pretty good deal. But anyway, this is my new setup. Notice the ultra cool hard drive that i've got there.

And that blog took me hours to write. Most of that time was spend trying to figure out how to put that picture of my setup on my new computer science website. There isnt much there yet. But just you wait.

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