Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Hump Day

So I was informed this morning that today is Hump day and that I just had to make it to lunch and then i was home free from that point on.  

I am happy to say that I made it.  But about 4 o'clock i was about to not make it anymore.  But i pushed on another hour and a half and made it to 5:30 which is still a half hour earlier than when i usually leave.  But, I also came in an hour late, so that puts me an hour and a half back for today.  That isn't too bad though if you compare it to how many hours i worked yesterday. 

I have what they call "short timers disease".   I personally have never heard of this condition before but several people have mentioned it.  Apparently when you can see the end of the tunnel like i can (I only have 2 weeks and one day of work left) you turn into a complete slacker.  It doesnt matter though because I am an hourly employee and I don't  have to work 40 hours a week if I dont want to, and my boss is on vacation, and sure he left me a big list of stuff to do while he is gone, but it wasnt enough to fill up 2 whole weeks of time, so i'm just helping him out.     

Anyway, if you didnt know, Greg and I are dating now, so i will comment on that a little bit.
Dating your friend is an interresting thing.  Most friends try to avoid that for fear of ruining the relationship, but i think in this situation it was pretty unavoidable.   Anyway, it's fun.

I get my camera tomorrow.  I'm super excited.  If you'd like to track it with me check this out.

Ok, so i think i'll go to bed soon, so i'm done with this now.


Saturday, July 24, 2004

I got linked

So I just found out that i got linked to on so i decided maybe i should update my blog just a little.

So i've decided that I dont have time for anything at all anymore.  It takes being super busy to realize that all those things you do when you are bored really do mean a lot to you.  Like it was not until last night that i got to read about Jacob's exciting time camping, and I still have not gotten to read like the last 5 posts on caleb's blog.  But i'm really excited about reading his endevors at Bill Gate's house. 

My parents went to california last week so i didnt want to be home all by myself being bored because that just gets scary, so I hung out with greg a lot.  And last week was a full 5 day week so it's not like I had all day of friday to do nothing and be bored.   So all of my "i'm bored" past times were put on hold. 

I forgot where i was going with all this...

Anyway, my parents got back last night, but i havent seen them yet so i'm going downstairs.

Oh yeah, and I want to buy a camera, so if any of you have any suggestions let me know.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

It's blogging time!!

Urg, i still honestly cannot understand how so many people work so many hours in a day and still be sane because by 3:30 i've gone totally insane.

So at work they made me webmistress. Now keep in mind i had never made a website in my life. Well except for this one. But that doesnt really count. Anyway, so I am in charge of F-18 webpages. So there are three of them cause we have contracts with the US navy, Canada, and Australia. They are just internal websites that just link to important stuff and have everythign anyone would need all right there together, so it's nothing very impressive, but i like them.

eh, i dont feel like blogging anymore.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Mike and Missy's mom died today, please pray for them.

Friday, July 09, 2004

It's friday

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce that today is friday. Fridays are good because that means i dont have to go to work tomorrow.

So i would like to start out by saying a word about the housing situation. So Roxann, my new roommate, went and talked to the Housing Department. She said they told her we had to wait until they can talk to everyone involved in all of it. So, that does not sound promising. But that's ok. B5 will be a good room too.

So i got a new keyboard today. Actually i ordered it last week. If you want to see where it went you can click here I think it's funny that it went to ft worth twice. And it go to go to all those places for just 5 dollars.

So i got in a fight with my mom tonight at dinner. She told my brother he couldnt start his own cycling club. And i told him he could, and that my old calculus teacher, Mr. Feldstein, would love to sponsor it. She got mad, and said that the school wouldnt ever let him make up his own club. But i told her people make up their own clubs all the time, and she said the school wouldnt want to be liable for a cycling club.

So, since then i've been hiding in my room. I hide a lot in my room when i'm at home. But i'm not home very often.

Oh, so all of you computer scientists out there, this one is for you...
So i got this thing in the mail today from the cs department. It's like some sort of newsletter. So since i get like one piece of mail a week i look at it. And i flipped through the pages, and who do i see in there? Why none other than myself. They had a picture of TAGD in there doing big event stuff, and there i was. Caleb was there too, and brian. I just felt important having my picture printed on the same piece of paper as Stroustup cause he was on the page before me.

So i'm waiting for greg to get dressed because i want to go hang out. I havent hung out in a long time. I'm tired of all i ever do is sleep and work. This whole work thing is no fun. Oh and sometimes i do calculus, but that is not fun either. But i only have about a month left of work, and then it's summer time again for 2 weeks, and then school starts.

ok, enough of this.

Monday, July 05, 2004


So as most of you know i spent my first year at texas A&M living in Eppright which is a modular dorm on southside. It was ok for the most part, my own bathroom, big rooms, lots of closets. So I spent most of the year planning on moving into wells the next year so i could hang out with greg all the time.

But then sometime the second semester i started hanging out with caleb and dimitri a lot who both lived in Hart hall this past year. So one day i probably said something like:

"Oh, i like that Hart is so close to rumours, I like rumours",
and caleb and dimitri would say:
"you should live in Hart next year"

and i would say something like:
"It's cool that you guys are so close to the msc, you get to see all the cool stuff",
and they'd say:
"you should live in hart next year"

and i would say:
"I like how you guys have your own backyard at hart"
and they would say:
"you should move to hart next year"

and i would say:
"it's cool that you guys have your very own yellow lot"
and they said:
"and that is another reason you should live in hart next year"

and i would say:
"I love lofts and sleeping up high, that's so cool, i wish i could have a loft"
and they would say:
"oh, but you can, if you only move to hart next year"

and i would say something like:
"i dont like to wear socks"
and they would say:
"that's why you should live in hart next year"
and i would say:
"what does that have to do with living in hart"
and they woudl say:
"oh nothing, you should just live in hart"

So anyway, i weighed all the details together and decided that Hart is the better place to live. Its closer to all the good food, it's not way out in the middle of south campus, and they have their own backyard and yellow lot.

So one day me and dimitri went to the housing office to change my housing application. And Dimitri being the hart RA that he is and having lived there since before they got airconditioning, he knows a lot about Hart. So he told me which rooms to request because some rooms in Hart are bigger and better than other rooms.

So as it turns out a week later I got one of the bigger better rooms. It is better because it has an extra closet and 2 extra windows. So i was really excited.

But then this last week i got another letter saying that i was assigned to a different room in hart. It is still a bigger room, but not really a better room. It doesnt have 4 windows and 2 closets like the better room. And it wouldnt be that bad to live in that room, but we were already excited about the other room.

So, I e-mailed the housing office and my roommate next year to see what was up with that. And the housing office e-mailed me back and said that my roommate who is at A&M this summer for school had been in earlier today and that she has an appointment with the housing lady to see why we got changed. And that's all i know.

So, I guess this story will be continued tomorrow...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

My Evening

So tonight was a fun night.

So I've lived 25 minutes from ft. worth for like almost 7 years now and it still always seems special when we all head out for a night at Sundance Square. So bryan (my friend katie's boyfriend) got free tickets for Hyena's which is a comedy night club in ft worth. It was really funny. We saw Steve Hirst who was pretty funny. It's not every day you see someone do a Chippendales routine dressed as Austin Powers.

It was all super cool except for the policy that there was a 2 drink minimum. Since we are in the United States, and the legal drinking age is 21, and I was given those infamous x's on my hands, that limited what drinks i was allowed to order. So i basically had some rather expensive strawberry smoothies. That was ok though, because the tickets were free, and i would have payed 15 bucks to get in anyway. So it was worth it.

Anyway, it's after midnight... Oh, Happy 4th of july!... anyway, i have to go to church in the morning, so i am heading to bed now.

Oh yeah, i want to go see Paul Oakenfold at the lizard lounge next weekend, if anyone wants to go with me, let me know.

My Evening

So tonight was a fun night.

So I've lived 25 minutes from ft. worth for like almost 7 years now and it still always seems special when we all head out for a night at Sundance Square. So bryan (my friend katie's boyfriend) got free tickets for Hyena's which is a comedy night club in ft worth. It was really funny. We saw Steve Hirst who was pretty funny. It's not every day you see someone do a Chippendales routine dressed as Austin Powers.

It was all super cool except for the policy that there was a 2 drink minimum. Since we are in the United States, and the legal drinking age is 21, and I was given those infamous x's on my hands, that limited what drinks i was allowed to order. So i basically had some rather expensive strawberry smoothies. That was ok though, because the tickets were free, and i would have payed 15 bucks to get in anyway. So it was worth it.

Anyway, it's after midnight... Oh, Happy 4th of july!... anyway, i have to go to church in the morning, so i am heading to bed now.

Oh yeah, i want to go see Paul Oakenfold at the lizard lounge next weekend, if anyone wants to go with me, let me know.

My Evening

So tonight was a fun night.

So I've lived 25 minutes from ft. worth for like almost 7 years now and it still always seems special when we all head out for a night at Sundance Square. So bryan (my friend katie's boyfriend) got free tickets for Hyena's which is a comedy night club in ft worth. It was really funny. We saw Steve Hirst who was pretty funny. It's not every day you see someone do a Chippendales routine dressed as Austin Powers.

It was all super cool except for the policy that there was a 2 drink minimum. Since we are in the United States, and the legal drinking age is 21, and I was given those infamous x's on my hands, that limited what drinks i was allowed to order. So i basically had some rather expensive strawberry smoothies. That was ok though, because the tickets were free, and i would have payed 15 bucks to get in anyway. So it was worth it.

Anyway, it's after midnight... Oh, Happy 4th of july!... anyway, i have to go to church in the morning, so i am heading to bed now.

Oh yeah, i want to go see Paul Oakenfold at the lizard lounge next weekend, if anyone wants to go with me, let me know.

Dont see monster

So my older brother recently rented monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci. I got probably an hour and a half through it untill i decided that this movie was really really horrible and i couldnt stand to watch another minute of it.

First of all, Charlize Theron's character was a hooker and Christina Ricci's character was a lesbian, so they hook up which makes for some really gross scenes and then Charlize Theron's character decides to start killing her clients. The first one was justifiable, but the rest werent. Also, they cursed like way too much. So i'd had enough of the lesbians, killing, and swearing and turned it off.

But, speaking of movies, i saw Breakfast at Tiffany's with Greg, Kevin, Jared, and Kyle. It was undoubtedly very good. I especially liked the part at the end when she had to go back for her cat, and then go back for the guy. She obviously had her priorities in order.

Anyway, yesterday i felt like spending money. I think it was because of the gigantic fry's ad that was in the paper yesterday. So I decided on this 17" LCD monitor. It is normally 500, but it was 100 dollars off with a 50 dollar rebate. so all in all it was a pretty good deal. But anyway, this is my new setup. Notice the ultra cool hard drive that i've got there.

And that blog took me hours to write. Most of that time was spend trying to figure out how to put that picture of my setup on my new computer science website. There isnt much there yet. But just you wait.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

my biggest problem...

my biggest problem with this blogger thing is that i cant ever figure out how to post. Well, i obviously do figure it out, but i have to relearn every time.

So, since i dont think anyone really reads this, i shall say whatever i want in here.

Actually i am going to say something that spurs debate maybe.

As a 19 yr old, this fall will be my first ever time to vote for president. So i need to make sure I made the right choice. Sure i could go out and read articles about all the candidates and such, but that takes too much time, and aside from all the working, and calculus, i do, i rarely have more than 2 hours a night on average to do anything else. So here's what i know right now...

Bush: current president. I dont like him because we've got this whole war thing that i think is not a really good idea. We are too deeply involved in Iraq where i think it would be better if we focused more on issues within our own country. Untill we are perfect i think it would be best if we minded our own business.

Kerry: He's got some issues i do not agree with. Mainly the one that he is nailed on the most is his pro choice view on abortion. I believe abortion is murder and I really do not think that it should be legal in any way shape or form. Well, i take that back, if it is endangering the life of the mother, ones of those types of situations i think it is ok.

Other than those two i dont really know much more about anyone else.

People talk about Nader, but i dont know who he is.

So, if you feel so inclined to help me on my search for the perfect president leave a comment.