Monday, January 17, 2005

my new apartment

So, i got a new apartment for those of you who didn't know. I'm living with cassie now because her roommate graduated and she needed someone to live with her and i was tired of the roaches in Hart. Just a warning to all of you thinking about moving to Hart, if you aren't a big fan of roaches or lizards in your shower then you should think twice.

Anyway, my apartment is supposed to have free wireless internet except they've got 2 routers for the entire apartment complex. I can almost never pick up their signal unless i'm in just the right place, and then sometimes it's not even strong enough to connect to. So i found a nice place next to the window where i can pick up about 3 or 4 unsecured wireless networks and i've been using those for the past couple days. I went to the apartment office to tell them they need more routers and the girl there said they were talking about putting a new one near my building. So she was going to call the owner and then call me back and let me know what's up. But she assured me they would get it figured out. I sure hope they do because i really want to play counter strike but where my desktop is right now doesnt have any internet.

Anyway, other than that my apartment is cool. Last night we had caleb, dimitri, and jacob over and we played cranium and watched harold and kumar go to white castle. It was fun.

So this is the last day of christmas break. I think i did everything i set out to do. I visited relatives, i had a good christmas, i moved into an apartment, and I played enough sims 2 to get sick of it.

Ok, i'm done typing now.


Anonymous said...

But are you ready for classes tomorrow?

Having only MWF classes is nice, I don't start tomorrow, ha! So my break is one day longer than yours.

John said...

It's great to hear that your new apartment is going okay...much better than roaches and lizards in the bath. I'm in FHK and it's not that bad, no lizards or roaches to speak of.

Oh, by the way, anonymous, us normal people do have classes on the first day. ;)

Anonymous said...

define normal.

i guess some of us have to go with what life throws us, even if it means sitting out of school for a semester. Let's hear it for Class of
05 graduating in 06

Caleb Bell said...

You forgot to mention how soundly the boys defeated you at Cranium. :)