Monday, January 10, 2005

my mouse continued

So anyway i took the mouse back to target. At first they said they dont do returns for Aggies, but i said please and the guy gave me my money back. I havent bought a new mouse yet. I went to best buy today to buy a wireless pci adapter card and i looked at mice. They are kinda expensive. So i decided to buy Garden State instead. I watched all the special features and the commentary with zack braff and natalie portman today. It was fun.


Anonymous said...

While Garden State was a good movie, I think the mouse is a very important part of the computer, it's your main device for input, and having a nice mouse makes a big difference. Think of it as an investment.

kristen said...

Well, I already have a nice mouse. But as you can maybe tell from that picture it's a little small. It is left over from my laptop days. But i think the next mouse i get will be a microsoft mouse so i know the drivers wont conflict with my registry. I think i'll ask for it for my birthday. I can wait till may. I'll just want it before CPL in the summer, and by that point i'll have a job again and i'll be ok with spending money again.

Anonymous said...

But why buy from microsoft when you can buy from logitech!? Logitech drivers will for sure work and the MX line is superior to microsoft mice.

"And don't think that all my ramblings about precision and speed are worthless: you should never forget that the mouse is the main interface between person and machine. Our pleasure in using a computer is partly due to the ease of using the mouse." I guess I should stop coming off as an antiMS/Logitech fanboy, you should just get the mouse that you like the best.

Anonymous said...

That...that's it? Garden State? hmmm...

Oh man who cares what kind it is. Just get a cool one. Durable one too. Everytime I'm playing CS and me and the enemy turn the corner at the same time it startles me and i launch my mouse 10 feet into the air.

Anonymous said...

So you have a 10+ foot long mouse coord(or I guess it could be wireless)? And a ceiling that is 10 feet high? That is impressive. The only game that has made me jump was Doom3, and only then because I was playing it at night with all the lights off and the volume turned up. That reminds me, I wonder when the Doom movie will be out.

kristen said...

Weird, a doom movie. I didnt really like Doom3 so much cause all you did was walk around and then zombies would jump out at you and then you had to shoot them. It was only scary cause they startled you. But I did not think the gameplay was that great.

Anyway, i've got some .m4a's i want to play. Whatever was allowing them to play before was only a 30 day trial, and my trial is up. Anyone know how i can play them in windows media player?

kristen said...

Oh wait, Winamp plays them, i guess i'll go back to being a winamp user.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's not wireless but it is a long cable. and yes my ceiling is about 10 feet high. However there was NO EXAGGERATION in my story AT ALL. I left out the part where I cry like a little girl after I get startled because I figured it wasn't cool enough. Ah crap I just typed it didn't I? You'd think I'd be smart enough to hit 'backspace' or highlight it and delete it. No guess I'm not that bright. Ooooh cookies...