Wednesday, January 05, 2005

my mouse troubles

I dont know what all those comments were about on my last post, so here is a new post.

I bought a new mouse today. I've been looking for a new mouse all over... well, i only really looked in the attic and at walmart. See the problem with my old mouse is that it's a laptop mouse and it's chord isnt very long and it didnt reach to my computer. And the mouse in the attic had a ball in it. And all I want is an optical mouse with the forward and back buttons on it, but none of the mice at walmart had forward and back buttons. So I looked at target today, and they had a mouse like I wanted, but it was chordless, and I want mine to have a chord so I dont have to worry about batteries. And then i found a mouse that had everything I wanted, but then it had an extra scrolly thing for scrolling sideways. It was only 12 bucks so i bought it.

Well, i brought it home, plugged it in and it worked fine, but then i tried to install the software that came with it because the sideways scrolling button didnt scroll sideways, it just scrolled up and down only backwards, and the forward and back buttons were switched from how i think they should be. I guess i dont have a very long thumb so i can reach their forward button really well, but whoever goes forward when serfing?

So the software crashed my computer while installing. Like it just flat out turned off. I came back and windows did one of those fatal error things and then it told me that their mouse driver had conflicts with service pack 2. So i went to their website and found a driver, and this one installed, but then after i restarted the freakin mouse didnt work. It was a freakin piece of crap, so i sent them an angry comment on their customer service form so maybe someone will get back to me.

So i admitted defeat and decided to turn on some music, and music wouldnt play. I was so mad, cause it had worked before the stupid mouse drivers had messed up my computer. So after messing with it a couple minutes i was about ready to... i dunno, cry or something.

But, fortunatly windows has that built in system restore feature that i've never heard of anyone actually using before. But It was super easy, and I restored my computer back to how it was yesterday at 2:30 pm and now my audio works.

So who thinks i'll be able to stuff that mouse back into it's stupid plastic packaging and take it back to Target? I looked at their return policy and only things that are like software, dvd's, and cd's cant be returned if they have been opened. It doesnt say anything about mice. So maybe if it's warm enough to go outside tomorrow i'll try it.

Anyway, sorry for the boring post. I dont really do much other than play sims and counter strike and watch scrubs. That's ok though, that's what Christmas break is for.

When are all of you going back to school? I have a friend who needs somewhere to stay in college station the 9th and 10th for his new student orientation. Let me know if you can take him in.


Anonymous said...

Talk about freakin high maintenece. Left Click, Right Click, Vertical Scroll, Optical. That's all you need. if you're too lazy to slide the mouse a quarter of an inch to the 'back' button...

Anonymous said...

What brand was the mouse that you got from target?

You should of gotten a logitech mx 500, it's the best mouse ever made. Or if you were hardcore you'd get the mx 1000, I mean it's powered by a freakin' laser! How cool is that? It's cordless, but you don't have to worry about batteries because you just set it in the cradle and it recharges itself.

kristen said...

The mouse was a GE. I bought it cause it was cheap. The logitech ones look nice but i dont really want to spend 70 dollars on a mouse. Mice should be cheap. I want to spend like 20. Maybe I should get a microsoft mouse so i'll know the drivers will be compatable with service pack 2.

Anonymous said...

But you really do get what you pay for, an mx500 will only cost you 35-40 and is well worth it imho.
mx 500mx 510

Anonymous said...

you should by the mouse that triples as a taser and a kool ade making machine. Then that would be a really cool mouse.

kristen said...

wow, I never expected this much mouse advice. I think i'll go with the kool-aid mouse, where do I get that one?

Anonymous said...

That sounds like it might get messy. What if some spilled? Then your mouse would be all sticky and hard to move around.

Anonymous said...

No, it's self cleaning like those ovens. Except it doesn't get as hot. That's why I put a taser on it. If your computer blue screens on you or just shuts down, you let go of some anger by lighting up the nearest object like a Las Vegas sign. Oh and by the way Kris, it's cordless, not chordless. Especially the kool-ade one. Because it actually plays chords.

Caleb Bell said...

I'm only commenting because everyone else did and I don't want to be left out. I'm glad that System Restore actually worked for you; I stopped using it after a horrid incident involving Windows ME, marauding Germans, and some faulty quartz.

kristen said...

Caleb, anything involving Windows ME is a bad idea.

John said...

Amen to that! Good riddance to ME.

I just installed a wireless keyboard/mouse combo from wal-mart for my sister. It too forever to get the thing to work right. Nothing like what you experienced, however.

If you're still thinking about returning the mouse, be sure to have all the packaging and things...they are kind of picky about that. Overall, they should still take back the mouse though. It would be your best bet.