Friday, January 28, 2005


I like to listen to music when i walk around campus or ride the bus and stuff. It makes me feel like i'm in a movie and that's the soundtrack. Man, my movie would have the best soundtrack, mostly because I only listen to songs I like. For the past week i've been listening to Postal Service (my favorite), Death Cab for Cutie, and Jay-z mixed with Lincoln park. Death Cab for Cutie is good for riding the bus in the mornings. Postal Service is good for walking around. Collision Course is good for working out at the Rec with, it goes faster and makes you want to work out harder.


Caleb Bell said...

Did you get an mp3 player for Christmas?

kristen said...

No. I got a PocketPC for Christmas last year and that plays mp3s and such. It's not as small as those little Ipods, but that's ok. But, if cassie and I decide to stay in this apartment and we sign the lease by some day in February I can get a free Dell Jutebox thing, which is their version of the mini-iPod. Or i could get an Xbox, but I dont like Xbox. I could also get like a free year of pizza, or carpet cleaning, or something else that i forgot.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have good taste in music.

Anonymous said...

I never found music tastey. But it's good to listen to. The songs where you're on your way back home after a day of class are the best ones. My apartment was on the last stop of Elephant Walk, so I got quite a few in.

kristen said...

Well, i have my friends to blame for my taste in music. I think Kyle told me to listen to Postal Service, Greg told me to listen to Collision Course, and Brittany told me to listen to Death Cab for Cutie. And my bus stops at my apartment twice, so i'm the 3rd stop in, and the 3rd stop out. It works out well.

Anonymous said...

There are 2 bus stops exactly the same distance from my house that are on different routes. So I am always the first one off or the last one on.

Anonymous said...

For my second post this entry I will say this.
Ever notice that buses are always running later when it's raining so you have to stand outside even longer in the rain.
btw it's mike and the elphant walk one was mine too

kristen said...

I knew it was you Mike.

And actually, it's only rained one day so far and I just happened to walk out there right as the bus was there. And i figured the on campus busses would be super busy that day too, but there were like only 9 people on the bus. For me the busses have always been really reliable, but i dont want to jinx myself, so I usually leave about 40 minutes before my class starts. Luckily my classes start at 12 and 12:40, so it's not too hard to be up and dressed and ready to go by then anyway.

Anonymous said...

Nice schedule! I just was identifying myself just incase so you didn't think the other 10 million Anonymous entries were me. Just this and the other two. What classes you got this semester?

Anonymous said...

I think your blog posts should contain more excitement and adventure. They seem kind of mundane lately.