Saturday, January 01, 2005


So here is an interresting story...

Today my brother and I were out doing stuff and we stopped at 7/11 because they now sell bawls, and bawls is good. So if any of you dont know bawls is an energy drink that is sold in a pretty blue bottle.

So we are driving around drinking our bawls and I'm on my way home. I am coming from target so i'm on the 287 access road. Right when i pass Taco Bell i see a cop turning out of there. I saw him turn into my lane, go straight through the light, like me, and get on the freeway, like me, so i made sure to follow all the rules. But he got right up behind me, but i was going the speed limit so i didnt understand what was up. So I get off the freeway and there go his lights. I hadnt done a thing. So i turn into that gas station parking lot there.

He comes over to me, asks for my licence and insurance and all that, and I give it to him. And then he tells me that licence plate covers are now illegal. And i just so happen to have an A&M one that ricky gave me once a long time ago. I kinda already knew they were illegal but i just neglected to take mine off because i like it. So anyway, he told me to get out of the car so he could show me what he's talking about. And he showed me how my licence plate cover was halfway covering up "Texas" so someone might not know what state it is.

Anyway, then he tells me he saw my brother drinking a beer when we drove past him earlier. I assured him that it was a Bawls and that Bawls is an energy drink. He didnt really believe me, and he told me to stay there standing behind the car so he could go talk to my brother. So he asks my brother what he was drinking, and he shows him the pretty blue bottle and tells him it's a caffine drink.

So this cop looked pretty disappoined that we werent drinking and driving. And he only told me that stuff about the licence plate cover so that he could get me out of the car and ask me about the bottle and then go ask my brother about it and see if our stories checked out.

But come on seriously, my licence plate cover says "Dwight Look College of Engineering", which means if I can handle engineering i'm probably smart enough to know not to drink and drive. And my brother is 14, he's way too young to be drinking.

So, anyway, just a warning to all you bawls drinkers out there, if you are going to drink and drive, be sure to remove those illegal licence plate covers.


Jacob Foshee said...

I completely understand! The first time I got pulled over it was because I had (supposedly) had my head lights off... I ended up having to do a full field sobriety test, and had not drank a thing. Like your story, the officer was disappointed that I had not been drinking and driving... (Incidentally, me and my passenger were both pretty sure my lights were on, but who knows...)

Because it is aggravating to me when cops take advantage of motorists, I encourage you to educate yourself regarding laws and your rights. Above all, always remember that a ticket is not conviction, and that you can (and should) go to court if you are wrongfully accused. So, I encourage you to have a read:

On one hand it is really frustrating to get pulled over for something stupid, but on the other hand cops need that sort of leverage so that they have grounds to pull real criminals over on just a little bit of suspicion.

Congrats on getting pulled over. Sorry your officer was a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Breakin the law... Breakin the law!

Anonymous said...

What were you driving?

kristen said...

my car

Anonymous said...

Well of course you were driving a car, what make/model of car is it?

kristen said...

I said i was driving MY car. Who are you anyway?

Anonymous said...

I am me. Who are you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you aren't me, stop pretending to be me! Only I am me! or I am I, or something...

But anyway, I read that it was your car the first time, but I don't know what type of car you have, thus the question, what type of car is it.

Anonymous said...

Hey you're not me either. Man this is weird.

kristen said...

i'm confused.

Anonymous said...

No... I'M confused. you trying to be me too?

John said...

The moral of the story is to not give them anything to be suspicious of. Personally, I find that new law rather stupid anyhow. It's just another thing that the cops can pull you over for. Then they can interrogate you over a caffiene drink. Honestly!

I hope your driving experience gets better after classes start. Geesh.