Saturday, December 11, 2004

Post for December

Alright, here is my post for December, maybe when i'm bored over Christmas i'll blog some more, but we'll see, so dont get your hopes up.

So, i'll fill all my loyal blog readers (all zero of you) in on what's up.

Greg dumped me last week. That jerk!! urrr. He said he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now. I've always decided that that is just an excuse for not liking someone. If you really liked someone then you would want a relationship with that person. So, in reality, Greg just doens't like me anymore. That's ok, he can do that if he wants to. But he's been a jerk lately because he said we cant hang out as much anymore.

Enough of that.

I'm moving in with cassie next semester. It's gonna be great. I'll have a kitchen, washer and dryer, my car like 10 feet away, a cat, and i'll get to hang out with cassie all the time... oh man is she gonna get sick of me!!!

I'm gonna miss brittany. She's an awesome roommate. Sorry for any of you looking for an awesome roommate cause she's already taken for next semester.

I'm going to Ohio for chrismtas. We are going because i told my parents i wanted to go, cause it has been over a year since i've seen any of my grandparents. So, we get to go now.

I play the sims 2 a lot now that i've got my new computer. My new computer is super awesome. I'm gonna take it to CPL in the summer and show it off to all those boys and they can see that i'm a girl wtih an awesome computer, and they'll think i'm hot.

Well, i shoud probably study now. I took my math final yesterday. It was hard. I hope i did as well as everyone else so i can pass the class. It's always hard to tell in that class because he doesnt score on the grade scale. I need to pass my physics final on tuesday too. I also need to pass my Great Diseases final. I've never had so many classes in one semester that relied so heavily on me passing the final. It's pretty stressful.

Anyway, i'll post some other time. Hopefully before january. If i dont, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Caleb Bell said...

Hey, I'm loyal...

kristen said...

well, i figured i didnt have any, cause i only post once a month.

Anonymous said...

I can attest to your theory of the 'just an excuse' ;)

If you want to hang out sometime, give me a call, I'll be in town the whole break.

A man who sold the world
(or mike)

Anonymous said...

girls with awesome computers are extremely hot.
Especially with cool software in it.

-Jose, a kid who goes to TAGD every now and then