Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Today I injured myself at the Rec. Here is a picture of my Band-aid. That is Harry Potter if you didn't know and his wand glows in the dark. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

How can you post a pic and not even tell the story behind it? How did you get injured?
Or maybe you just wanted to show off Harry Potter.

You should post a picture of Dustin's knee(after running in TAGD) for comparison.

Anonymous said...

And your picture is upside down, I thought it looked a bit odd.

kristen said...

It isnt upside down. Harry Potter is going the right way. And I was just riding one of the bikes and hit my knee into the computery thing. I wish I had a picture of Dustin's knee, his injury was way bigger.

Anonymous said...

You could embellish the story way more than that, that's just the simple facts, you could work it up into a full blown epic, that way your blog would be much more interesting to read.
If you pick your orientation off just potter then it would be correct, but if you look at the shoe on the floor or dresser(adjusting color levels in the pic in photoshop helps), it is upside down.

kristen said...

It is way easier to take a picture of your knee upside down and then turn it over in Picasa than do it right side up. And when i put the bandaid on i didnt want him to be upside down and then when i took the picture I didnt want him to be upside down in the picture. So I turned it over.