Thursday, December 23, 2004


So someone left a message seeming confused about the word "snow". So to explain this phenomenon to those of you who have never left texas here are some pictures to illustrate snow.

That's my brother, Michael. He wanted a "mysterious thoughtful picture of him walking out in the snow." It turned out well.

That's just a picture I took out my Aunt Nancy's kitchen window. It looks pretty cool. Barns almost always look cool in pictures.

Anyway, it has snowed a lot today. After a while though, it changed to sleet and it sleeted for a long time. So probably it'll get colder tonight and all that wet sleety stuff will freeze in the middle of the night. Icy roads are bad. Especially because my cousin's Ed and Penny are supposed to take us out for wings and ice cream tomorrow and I wouldnt want ice to get in the way of that.

So Cassie and my Aunts must all think alike. A few weeks ago I had told Cassie that i never had underwear from victoria's secret, mostly because I always thought it was going to be too expensive so i jsut never went in. But I did go in the other day and saw the underwear is cheap but the bra's are super expensive. Anyway, Cassie got me some cool pink underwear and some good smelling perfume. Then tonight my Aunt Ruth gave me some more victoria's secret perfume, and then Aunt Nancy gave me some more pink underwear. It's awesome. I wont have to worry about underwear and smelling good for a long time now.

I'm tired now. Goodnight people.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


I passed all my classes!!!!

(that was a close one)

I am in Ohio. They say tomorrow it is going to snow up to 16 inches of snow tomorrow. Yuck!

It is so cold up here. Like sometimes at school i would think it was cold, but on monday we were at the pittsburg airport and we picked up our luggage and got the key to the rental car and walked out the door....

...Oh man, it was the kind of cold that just hits you and instantly makes your nose cold. It was really cold.

Friday, December 17, 2004


So, this is my 3rd post for the month of december, i'm doing better at the blogging stuff.

Anyway, so since i've been home, i've slept, ate, and played video games.

Pete keeps calling me at 11 and waking me up to tell me something about the christmas party. But since the christmas party was tonight, he probably wont do that tomorrow. But my dad doesnt have work tomorrow, and I dont know if he will allow me to sleep past 11. Maybe he'll go shopping and let me sleep.

So I smashed all night yesterday. I'm learning to play with zelda. She's pretty good, and when you are behind you can always do a down and b and turn into sheik. She's pretty fast. But greg calls me cheap if i use sheik the whole time. But Zelda has that cool blue diamond. It works well when i play with people like greg and jared and nick who like to throw things and shoot missles, but when i play with pete and jacob they always use link and do that spinny sward thing a lot so it doesnt help me too much.

I played halo 2 tonight at our christmas bash. I'm still bad at it.

It is 3 in the morning. What am i still doing up?

Monday, December 13, 2004

one more day

So i suppose i do have loyal readers considering I got 4 whole comments on the last post. One of those comments was from myself, but that is beside the point.

And as for Mike's comment about "the excuse" probably referring to the "i dont want to be in a relationship right now excuse" i totally do not remember giving you that one. I do remember the giving the "maybe we'll get back together some other time" and the "we can still be friends" to you. Sorry about that. We probably wont really ever get back together, but we are friends to a certain degree, it's hard to be friends with people hundreds of miles away, and then when i come back i work all summer, so I am having troubles keeping my high school friends.

So greg says he doesnt want to have a relationship but he'd sure wouldnt mind dating amanda. Oh well.

Anyway, i have one final left. Physics, tomorrow, in 12 hours. I'm tired of studying. But i think i know stuff pretty well. The stuff i didnt know before i learned when i took the retest. I'm kinda shaky with the magnetism stuff, but it's too boring to study. And i learned all the light stuff on saturday, so i should be good.

After that i'm having lunch with greg, packing my stuff in my car, and going home.

I e-mailed my boss today to see if they really wanted me to work, but he said since i'd only be able to work for 2 weeks it wouldnt be worht it. That's good because I didnt really want to work, but the extra money would have been nice. That's ok though.

So sometimes i get nervous about how my day is going to work. Especially when days are busy like tomorrow, because certain things have to fit in at certain times of the day. I need to wake up at like 11:30 so i can get dressed and get to my final and be there early. Maybe i should get up at 11 so i can be really early and not stressed. So then i have to eat lunch, and then caleb has to come by some time and get his drums, so i told him to come at like 4. Then i have to get my car and pack it up, but i cant pack it up until 5, when the parking lot opens. I signed up to check out of my room at 5 too, maybe i should have picked 5:15, or maybe i can make dimitri help me carry my stuff downstairs. I dont have that much stuff though. So tomorrow stresses me out.

I wrote 6 essays durring my great diseases final today. My hand hurt really bad. I hate writing, i wish i could type it.

Ok, i guess i'll sleep now, tomorrow seems busy.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Post for December

Alright, here is my post for December, maybe when i'm bored over Christmas i'll blog some more, but we'll see, so dont get your hopes up.

So, i'll fill all my loyal blog readers (all zero of you) in on what's up.

Greg dumped me last week. That jerk!! urrr. He said he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now. I've always decided that that is just an excuse for not liking someone. If you really liked someone then you would want a relationship with that person. So, in reality, Greg just doens't like me anymore. That's ok, he can do that if he wants to. But he's been a jerk lately because he said we cant hang out as much anymore.

Enough of that.

I'm moving in with cassie next semester. It's gonna be great. I'll have a kitchen, washer and dryer, my car like 10 feet away, a cat, and i'll get to hang out with cassie all the time... oh man is she gonna get sick of me!!!

I'm gonna miss brittany. She's an awesome roommate. Sorry for any of you looking for an awesome roommate cause she's already taken for next semester.

I'm going to Ohio for chrismtas. We are going because i told my parents i wanted to go, cause it has been over a year since i've seen any of my grandparents. So, we get to go now.

I play the sims 2 a lot now that i've got my new computer. My new computer is super awesome. I'm gonna take it to CPL in the summer and show it off to all those boys and they can see that i'm a girl wtih an awesome computer, and they'll think i'm hot.

Well, i shoud probably study now. I took my math final yesterday. It was hard. I hope i did as well as everyone else so i can pass the class. It's always hard to tell in that class because he doesnt score on the grade scale. I need to pass my physics final on tuesday too. I also need to pass my Great Diseases final. I've never had so many classes in one semester that relied so heavily on me passing the final. It's pretty stressful.

Anyway, i'll post some other time. Hopefully before january. If i dont, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.