Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I would just like to apologize for not blogging.

So, i've been super busy and stuff so it's been a while since i've blogged. First i've got all those dumb classes i take. They arent too bad, except for physics and i happen to have a physics test on tuesday, that doesnt make me happy. So i've gotta do some major studying for that.

So big game is coming along nicely. I'm on the graphics part. I dont know much grahics yet, but that's ok.

I'm goin home this weekend. I dunno why, i guess i just miss my cat and my little brother.

The sims 2 comes out friday!!!

Fable came out today, but i dont have an xbox so when i go home me and my brother will play it... he doesnt know this yet though, but we will.

I'm probably gonna move off campus next semester and live with cassie. It'll be cool. My own room, my own bathroom, and kitchen, a washer and dryer, and... (this is the best part)... a cat.

Umm, and congrats to brian for "dating" or whatever you are calling it, with Tess. Tess is a cool name, if i ever got a girl cat i'd name it Tess. I really like that book tess of the d'urbervilles.

K, i gotta put my homework together and go to bed. Later.

1 comment:

John said...

I feel your pain..All those classes do get in the way of fun. Don't feel too bad. I've posted only once since we started classes. I just want all this work to go away!

Good luck with the physics test on Tuesday.