Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hey guys

So, i need to kill like 5 minutes, so here it goes:

I've been studying for physics all afternoon. That stuff sucks. But i'm understanding it better. My test is tomorrow so i've only got to worry about it a little while longer. And then my goal is to stay ahead, that way i will know what my prof is talking about.

Me and Greg played the sims2. It's fun. Except my female character keeps kissing other females. that's not so cool. I cant play as much as i want to though cause i have to play on greg's computer. But that's probably a good thing or else i wouldnt get anything done at all, and I'd hate to fail out of college because of the Sims.

I had lunch with my old roommate today. It was fun. She brought her new dog. She's cute. She's a beagle i think, and she's kinda brown, and white. I was there when courtney ordered her last year. So I saw lots of puppy pictures.

Anyway, i dont have anything else to type about. I missed scrubs last night so if anyone has it let me know.

I'm gonna go do water aerobics at the rec with cassie now. I've never done it before. I hope the pool isnt cold.

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