Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hey guys

So, i need to kill like 5 minutes, so here it goes:

I've been studying for physics all afternoon. That stuff sucks. But i'm understanding it better. My test is tomorrow so i've only got to worry about it a little while longer. And then my goal is to stay ahead, that way i will know what my prof is talking about.

Me and Greg played the sims2. It's fun. Except my female character keeps kissing other females. that's not so cool. I cant play as much as i want to though cause i have to play on greg's computer. But that's probably a good thing or else i wouldnt get anything done at all, and I'd hate to fail out of college because of the Sims.

I had lunch with my old roommate today. It was fun. She brought her new dog. She's cute. She's a beagle i think, and she's kinda brown, and white. I was there when courtney ordered her last year. So I saw lots of puppy pictures.

Anyway, i dont have anything else to type about. I missed scrubs last night so if anyone has it let me know.

I'm gonna go do water aerobics at the rec with cassie now. I've never done it before. I hope the pool isnt cold.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

The sims 2 :( Fable :)

So i bought the sims 2. I'm gonna need a better graphics card to play it. And i cant upgrade the graphics card in my laptop. So i'm gonna have to get a new computer.

After that i went to frys and got fable. It was awesome. Read the reviews on the TAGD forums here:

Anyway, i've got tons of work to do today, so i'm out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I would just like to apologize for not blogging.

So, i've been super busy and stuff so it's been a while since i've blogged. First i've got all those dumb classes i take. They arent too bad, except for physics and i happen to have a physics test on tuesday, that doesnt make me happy. So i've gotta do some major studying for that.

So big game is coming along nicely. I'm on the graphics part. I dont know much grahics yet, but that's ok.

I'm goin home this weekend. I dunno why, i guess i just miss my cat and my little brother.

The sims 2 comes out friday!!!

Fable came out today, but i dont have an xbox so when i go home me and my brother will play it... he doesnt know this yet though, but we will.

I'm probably gonna move off campus next semester and live with cassie. It'll be cool. My own room, my own bathroom, and kitchen, a washer and dryer, and... (this is the best part)... a cat.

Umm, and congrats to brian for "dating" or whatever you are calling it, with Tess. Tess is a cool name, if i ever got a girl cat i'd name it Tess. I really like that book tess of the d'urbervilles.

K, i gotta put my homework together and go to bed. Later.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Late Tuesday through Friday

So i havent blogged since tuesday and lots has happened since then so i'll bring you all up to date.

Late Tuesday
So after i blogged i went to physics where i soon learned that my physics teacher does not speak english... at all. So some prof's are just a little harder to understand especially if the room is kinda loud or something, but this woman, even when you listen really really hard, is the most difficult to understand prof i've ever had. Here is how her lectures go:

"ok, now zis iz ze most important part of zis class... asdli aslfie asdlfkjeif jfdoie dlkjfie fldksajfoie skjdfoiej sldkjfie slkdie lkdf... ok, is zat clear?"

Looks like this will be one of those classes that i learn from the book.

I cant remember school on wednesday, i guess it was just regular.

Wendesday night though was our first big game meeting. I think it went pretty well. We've gotten to a good start from what i can see. So hopefully this goes over better than space game.

I dont think i did much yesterday. I cant really remember. I remember doing some DirectX. I made a teapot, then i made a box, then i made the box spin, and then i made it fall, and then i made 20 boxes.

It still needs a lot of work. I need to put in a timer because my boxes fall really really fast on my monitor and they fall really really slow on my laptop. I also need to load a mesh and texture. but that is a job for later tonight or tomorrow.

Today has probably been the most exciting day of the week. I went to class, and had a quiz so class seemed really short. Then i found Brian in the hall way and me and him and Jason went to underground for lunch. Then Brian and I came back and we went in the graphics lab and found jacob and luke there.

While i was in the graphics lab i decided to use a mac because i never really used one before. First of all i was impressed by it when i typed in my password wrong and the login thing started shaking and it blanked out my password to let me know i was wrong.

Then i was impressed when i opened up a browser that when i double clicked on the top of it rather than maximising like i thought it would it squished down and squeezed into the task bar. It was super cool looking. it didtn just go down like normal windows do in windows it totally "swooped" down. I was impressed. If the apple people would just make commercials of someone minimizing and maximizing windows more people would buy macs.

So then we left so they could install halo on all the computers and me and caleb started walking home. And we decided to look for the seal that dimitri talks about in his info. We found it.

We went into the Cushing library. It's a pretty cool place. first you have to lock up yoru backpack and purse so you dont steal any books. Then we went up to the 2nd floor and asked the guy at the desk to see the 1918 longhorn which is the name of the yearbook back then.

Caleb was looking for stuff about Crocker because he is RA in Crocker hall now. Anyway, so we looked at all the old pictures and stuff. In the football section it had all the scores of all the games in 1918 and no one scored any points against A&M in 1918, which is a lot different from how it is now. So caleb wrote down some stuff about Crocker and we go our stuff and left.

We went to hart to look for dimitri to tell him we found the seal. Then i asked Dimitri if i could see the Hart Hall Dungeons. So we went down there. It was super scary. I cant tell you what I saw down there though in case small children are reading this blog, it would scar them for life.

Anyway, after those adventures i came back up to my room, organized my stuff and started blogging.