Tuesday, August 31, 2004


So, today is Tuesday, so I started my day at 11:10 by going to Discrete. My teacher speaks English well, so that is a plus. I'm not sure if it is his first language or not though. And his last name is Rojas and he doesn't look American, but that doesn't really mean anything. Like my friend Ricky who's name is Ricardo Garcia is just as American as me and doesn't speak any more Spanish than what he learned in high school. Anyway, I like my discreet teacher. I hope he teaches well.

Generally in the past I've had horrible math teachers. Just in college I had that one Greek guy who spoke little English, and then I had that mean guy who only spoke English but was horrible at math. Then at UTA last summer I had a Chinese guy who wasn't awesome with English but he was a super good teacher, and he was super good at drawing 3D diagrams. Too bad the class was like 2 hours long and I had to go straight after work when my attention span was about 20 minutes.

So anyway, I went to the Rec today. It was only a little crowded. I figured it would be a lot like the beginning of last semester when everyone had all those new years resolutions. So hopefully I can keep that up and become healthy and not get fat and get high cholesterol and die of a heart attack when I'm 22. Not that I'm that unhealthy, but you know what I mean.

The season premier of Scrubs is on at 8:30 and Caleb has graciously allowed me to use his TV tonight to watch it. Thanks Caleb.

So i didnt know how to spell graciously so i clicked the spell checker button and IE exploerer blocked my popups. I dont think i like that. Crazy Service Pack 2.

Anyway, i'm done now.


Monday, August 30, 2004

first day of school

So today was the first day of school. Pretty uneventful except I have my great diseases of the world class that is on west campus so today Greg and I learned to use the bus. It wasnt very fun, there were like 3 times as many people who wanted to ride the bus than would fit. So Greg and I squeezed on the way over there making it just in time to be 5 minutes late for our class. On the way back we just walked, it was easier that way, but it was hotter.

Anyway, I am now hosting my website on my computer now. Except you cant see it outside of the campus firewall, but that will soon change.

I'm downloading Service Pack 2, i'm scared because when Jared installed it it corrupted his registry and that does not sound fun. So cross your fingers for me.

TAGD started up again today. It's exciting.

I'm sleepy now.


Thursday, August 19, 2004

LAN party

So here I am at a LAN party, and what am I doing?... I'm blogging. Thats ok though.

So Jeff Seely is playing Unreal tournament next to me, it's pretty cool, but i'm kinda tired of that game. After all the Unreal that we play in TAGD i'm kinda Unrealed out. I'm just not very good at it to tell you the truth.

I am also watching the olympics. Does it to seem to anyone else that all they've been showing is balance beam? Like honestly all i've seen is balance beam and one pommel horse. Not that i dont like balance beam but i like the floor the best. Oh, i guess i've seen a little bit of the uneven bars too. Anyway...

Sunday is when i'm going back to school. I'm not as excited about it as I was before. I'm getting used to the staying in bed all day and not doing anything. I just dont feel like packing and cleaning my room.

But i'm sure once I get back to school i'll be glad i'm there. I'll be busy with stuff then and wont have time to get into a lazy mood.

I gotta play starcraft now.


Saturday, August 07, 2004

ready for school to start

I'm ready for school to start. Actually, i just want to go back to College Station.

Oh, i should comment on what happened with the whole dorm thing. I'll pick up from where I left off. So anyway, Roxann, fought and fought her way into the core of the Housing Department until she found someone who could help her out. So she got put on a list to move into a bigger Hart room and someone left and so she got moved to a bigger room, which if you just call up the Housing Department they tell you there is nothing you can do about any of it until the fall, so they lie. Anyway, so she got moved and she gave me the name and number of the people i needed to keep talking to to get myself moved. But about that time I gave up.

So then i called the housing office, told them to send me the information of my new roommate and I e-mailed her. Her name is Brittany, she's cool. We talk online and I think we'll get along well.

This is how the next couple weeks look.

Tuesday is my last day of calculus and my calculus Final, which is always scary. Then thursday is my last day of work. Then i'm going to cs on friday for graduation, and i'm gonna stay with luke there. Then maybe play some axis and allies on saturday. Then i am going to lay in the pool for a whole week, except for when i get my hair cut and go to the eye doctor. then on sunday the 22nd i'm going back to school. I'm excited.

Friday, August 06, 2004

I dont know

urg, i just wrote a blog and then it didnt work. Stupid blog, guess you guys dont get to read it now.

I dont know

So, sorry it has been over a week since my last post. I hate it when people neglect their blogs like that.

So i only have one week of work left. I'm super excited to be done with that. I dont think i'll go back next year, they want me to, but it was pretty boring. Today they took all the interns to look at the cool stuff they do there in an effort to excite us and make us want to come back. I dunno if it's for me though.

Anyway, i have nothing to type about, so instead of boring you, i'll just leave.