Monday, April 11, 2005

So there is a vent right next to where my computer is, i thought it was for the air conditioning but it just goes into the wall, so maybe it's for if the shower leaks or something because the shower is on the other side of the wall. Anyway, this morning i was eating breakfast reading caleb's blog and i heard a fluttering sound that sounded like it was coming from my computer. So, I thought "oh great there is a cockroach in my computer." I looked around inside it but I didn't hear or see anything else. Then I heard it again and it sounded higher this time, so I thought it was my external hard drive crapping out or something until i saw little gray things poke out of the vent. Well, I just thought it was a moth so I left and went to school. Anyway, I came home later and now I heard the fluttering even more and then i saw feathers pop out of the vent. So I screamed for Cassie because she takes care of the scary stuff in our apartment. She took the vent off and sure enough there was a baby bird in there. He was scared of us though so we watched the hole until he jumped out and then Cassie caught him and took him outside. Anyway, I got a picture of him. His mom was waiting for him outside, so don't worry, he's ok.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Ha, that's wierd. The picture almost looked like it was photoshopped, you just don't expect to see a baby bird sitting right there.
Did you figure out how it got there?

kristen said...

Yeah, there is a hole on the front of the building under the roof and there are lots of little baby birds learning how to fly from it, so I'm betting he came from there.

Anonymous said...

Did you name it? How are you sure that was its mother? Maybe it was the father or brother or somethin. Third cousin? Or just some bum bird that was like 'wtf? how'd a bird get inside?'

Hahaha I knew cassie wore the pants in the relationship

Caleb Bell said...

Haha, that's an awesome story, Kristen. It's even awesomer because I got mentioned. Two eProps! Er... wait... never mind