Thursday, March 31, 2005

Now this is an interresting picture. Posted by Hello
My little cousins had come to visit us one summer and we bought them this little pool so they wouldn't drown in the big pool. For some reason the little pool ended up in the big pool and we realized that it made a nice boat. This was our first inspiration for experimenting with putting inflatable children's pools in the big pool.

That is victoria, Jeff, and Me, by the way.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Today I injured myself at the Rec. Here is a picture of my Band-aid. That is Harry Potter if you didn't know and his wand glows in the dark. Posted by Hello

Monday, March 21, 2005

That is cassie's cat, Bina. She's sleeping on my baby blanket, yes i still sleep with it. I need it to curl around, that's the only way I can sleep. Posted by Hello

spring break

So someone thought i must have done something interresting over spring break that i could blog about. Trust me, it wasn't interresting.

I played the Sims 2 new expansion pack and i watched my sims do their homework while i was avoiding my own.

I watched 2 Mansfield High School Freshman baseball games. My little brother is on the team. They won both games and even beat the Summit High School freshman baseball team. Summit is our rival incase you didnt know.

I went shopping and got new pants and shirts and a jacket.

I slept.

I ate at bella vita in rendon because apparently the one in mansfield caught on fire, so we had to drive all the way to rendon to eat italian food. We've got this new restaurant in Mansfield called mexican inn. Like 5 times when we were going out to eat we would drive by and say it looked to busy, cause it looked really busy, but one night we broke down and just waited. It was pretty good, but it'll be better when On The Border comes.

I left my hard drive in Mansfield though. I miss it.

And now i'm waiting for a confirmation e-mail from the women igda mailing list to i can send to it. apparently they wont let my messages go though because i'm registered with and not Stupid neo.

I'm done now. If i had my hard drive i'd post a picture, but i dont have it. Maybe i'll take one... maybe.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Coding break

So, i'm taking a coding break. Marc and I are trying to get our comp sci project done before spring break so we wont have to worry about it. So I've been coding off and on since I got home from school today. I just need to figure out a good way to output a tree so you can see it in a treeish way and then I'm finished with my part. Programming assignments are one of those rare homework assignments that as well as everything goes pretty good it gives you more energy. Like, if I continually solve little problems one by one it makes me excited, like i am accomplishing something. However, if you get stuck then it's a drag if someone to help you isn't online. But, this is very different from Engineering or Math homework that just seems to go on and on forever, and so what you solve a problem, you just have to go on to the next.

Anyway, I had something I was going to talk about. I forget what it was now. Dangit, oh well, i'll talk about something else.

Yesteryday Cassie and I found a roach in our laundry closet. We looked at it, and screamed for a while. It was up in the top corner climbing on a bottle of some laundry stuff. Cassie being the resourceful one she is, grabbed a bottle of WD-40 and proceeded to poison our yucky intruder with it. Then when it wasnt moving so much anymore she threw the bottle out the door and it went away. I cheered her on from the sidelines.

OH yeah, I was going to talk about Firefly.

So, many of you probably heard the rantings from Greg about how good Firefly is. And then you may have heard also from Brandon and Jacob how good it is. It is really really good. I have watched 12 episodes of it. The problem is only 14 episodes were made, which means I am almost done. Jacob gave me the DVD with it on it on Saturday, so i have spend a great deal of time watching it the last few days.

But now I am worried. What if i watch the next 2 episodes and they kill off the entire cast. That would just be devistating. Or what if the last episode is just crappy and i'm disappointed. I can not decide if i want to spend the rest of my life knowing there is no more firefly out there, I might just be better off stopping now. Firefly is not like Scrubs, my other favorite show, where they make a new episode every week almost so I will never be disappointed with the searies finale. Sure, eventually Scrubs will stop, but hopefully that happens way after I have lost interest. Firefly ends for me in 2 episodes and I think maybe I should just wait a little while before i watch the end. Maybe i'll go back to the beginning and start over and then when I get to the end of episode 12 agin I'll be brave enough to watch the last 2.

I need to be finished by September when the movie comes out though. So, maybe I'll save the last 2 for right before the movie so I'll be really excited. That sounds like a good idea, what do you think?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I also like this picture Posted by Hello

And on my streak of random pictures... Here is a picture of Erich's coffee. Posted by Hello

That is christmas day in Ohio. It snowed, then rained, then froze the day before, so the trees are all icy. It was pretty. Posted by Hello