Sunday, February 20, 2005

So instead of posting a picture of myself or my apartment i'll post something totally different. This is my backyard in New York. One time my brothers and I pretended to be gophers. We dug these gopher paths and then at the end of each we had our own gopher homes. Thinking back on it now, it seems like a lot of work. As you can see from the next picture the snow was pretty deep. Anyway, this is what all you people who grew up in Texas missed out on.... not much. I hate snow. Posted by Hello


Caleb Bell said...

Diggity. I don't think that I've seen that much snow ever.

Anonymous said...

What is so bad about snow?

Anonymous said...

I have. That's because I'm a professional skiier in the Rocky Mountains. Well maybe not professional, but I'm pretty good I think ;)

kristen said...

I think if all i had done is visit the snow i wouldnt hate it so much but i dont like it because it just complicates everything. Like on a day it snows before you can drive anywhere you have to go out and shovel the driveway. When it blizards you have to go out and shovel the driveway every couple hours or else you'll go out when it's over and there will be 2 feet of snow there. It always snowed on halloween and you'd have to wear boots and a big coat with your costume. It makes the roads hard to drive on, i think if i lived somewhere where it snowed i just wouldnt be able to drive for half the year.

The absolute worst part is the snow plows. When there is only a little snow they just put salt on the steet. When there is a lot of snow they actually plow it. So along the end of the driveway there is a big pile of snow half as tall as the rest of the snow that you have to shovel, and this is dirty salty snow. When the snow melts then you get this dirty salty stuff in your grass and if you dont shovel that out it'll kill the grass. I hated that.

Snow is cold, if you just want to go to the end of the driveway to get the paper or something you have to put like 6 layers on.

Sledding is fun for a while, but once the snow starts to get deeper than like 4 inches it's hard to walk in, and then you have to walk up hills while pushing your way through snow.

Anyway, that is a few reasons why i hate it.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You just aren't looking at all the positive things about snow.

kristen said...

All the negatives outweigh the positives.

Anonymous said...

Probably, but I've never lived in a snowy place, so I wouldn't know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second, you say you don't want to post a picture of yourself to prevent stalking, yet you post one on facebook?

Anonymous said...

not that i wanted you to post a pic necessarily, just thought that was odd