Monday, July 05, 2004


So as most of you know i spent my first year at texas A&M living in Eppright which is a modular dorm on southside. It was ok for the most part, my own bathroom, big rooms, lots of closets. So I spent most of the year planning on moving into wells the next year so i could hang out with greg all the time.

But then sometime the second semester i started hanging out with caleb and dimitri a lot who both lived in Hart hall this past year. So one day i probably said something like:

"Oh, i like that Hart is so close to rumours, I like rumours",
and caleb and dimitri would say:
"you should live in Hart next year"

and i would say something like:
"It's cool that you guys are so close to the msc, you get to see all the cool stuff",
and they'd say:
"you should live in hart next year"

and i would say:
"I like how you guys have your own backyard at hart"
and they would say:
"you should move to hart next year"

and i would say:
"it's cool that you guys have your very own yellow lot"
and they said:
"and that is another reason you should live in hart next year"

and i would say:
"I love lofts and sleeping up high, that's so cool, i wish i could have a loft"
and they would say:
"oh, but you can, if you only move to hart next year"

and i would say something like:
"i dont like to wear socks"
and they would say:
"that's why you should live in hart next year"
and i would say:
"what does that have to do with living in hart"
and they woudl say:
"oh nothing, you should just live in hart"

So anyway, i weighed all the details together and decided that Hart is the better place to live. Its closer to all the good food, it's not way out in the middle of south campus, and they have their own backyard and yellow lot.

So one day me and dimitri went to the housing office to change my housing application. And Dimitri being the hart RA that he is and having lived there since before they got airconditioning, he knows a lot about Hart. So he told me which rooms to request because some rooms in Hart are bigger and better than other rooms.

So as it turns out a week later I got one of the bigger better rooms. It is better because it has an extra closet and 2 extra windows. So i was really excited.

But then this last week i got another letter saying that i was assigned to a different room in hart. It is still a bigger room, but not really a better room. It doesnt have 4 windows and 2 closets like the better room. And it wouldnt be that bad to live in that room, but we were already excited about the other room.

So, I e-mailed the housing office and my roommate next year to see what was up with that. And the housing office e-mailed me back and said that my roommate who is at A&M this summer for school had been in earlier today and that she has an appointment with the housing lady to see why we got changed. And that's all i know.

So, I guess this story will be continued tomorrow...

1 comment:

Jacob Foshee said...

Dimitri and Caleb are a bad influence. I would stay away from them at all costs.

Oh, and make sure Dimitri is not looking when you climb on the ladders outside the building. Otherwise he'll have to write you up.