Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Long Time No See

So, it has been almost a year since my last post but for some reason I felt in the mood to blog.

Right now I am battling my internet connection. I need to work on my part for my 462 project but everything is being so slow. Normally internet is fast enough so you can just leave your files on your CS drive but not if you live at the Ridge. So, I am trying to get my files off, but it is not being very responsive. I yelled at the customer service for my isp on Saturday and he assured me someone would call me back by Monday, but of course I haven't. It just makes me angry. I need to complain to the office about it. Let them know that when they say "free high speed internet" some people really do need it to be "high speed."

I've been a little stressed out. I got back from Thanksgiving and saw just how much I needed to do in the next 3 weeks. I've slowly been marking things off my list. You should see my kitchen counter, it has a sticky note for every day and lists everything I need to do all week. I borrowed that method from my old cubemate, Julia, she used to make sticky note lists every day.

I bought a new CD today. I had been trying to resist and save some money to buy Christmas presents and stuff, but it is a Christmas CD, so I kinda need it before Christmas is over. It is Songs for Christmas by Sufjan Stevens. If you are into indie folk pop Christmas music, I definitely recommend it, and even if you aren't you should check it out anyway. If you buy it in the store it comes with stickers and stuff, but I couldn't find a store around here that sells it, so I just got it off iTunes. It is 42 songs long, not bad for 15 bucks. Plus, I had tried listening to holiday music on Pandora, but I've come to find that there are really only 12 Christmas songs. This CD has some of the classics sung in Sufjan Steven's awesome voice plus some cool new songs.

If you are bored and are looking for a good blog to read I recommend this one. It is about this girl who I think goes to Dimitri's Mom's school or something and she got in a 4 wheeler accident and was in a coma for a while. I've been reading it ever since Dimitri's Mom's blog mentioned it right after it happened. She is awake and can walk and talk and eat now, it is really inspiring. Her Mom is the one writing it, and she is good.

Man, I still have 7 minutes before my CS drive relinquishes my networking code. My internet was fast earlier, I think it is bad cause I tried to download a bit torrent for last week's scrubs episode. I know that doesn't sound to legal, but what else am I supposed to do, it was the same time as Grey's Anatomy. I asked for a tv capture card for Christmas and a huge hard drive, so hopefully soon that problem will be solved. Anyway, whenever I try to download bit torrents they always get to 95% and then all the jerks with the chunks I need go away and then there are 20 people stuck there without the last 5%.

That's all for now... maybe I'll write again before next year.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The following few pictures are pictures of my Christmas. Most of them are pictures of food and simba. Enjoy.


That's the table before dinner, isnt it pretty. Posted by Picasa

Honey Baked Ham

Honey Baked Ham and Turkey is way better than ham and turkey that you have to cook yourself. Posted by Picasa


Aunt Di came down for dinner and church. Posted by Picasa


Mom always makes this on Christmas. I dont like it because of whatever that white stuff is, but it looks pretty. Posted by Picasa


Cake. Posted by Picasa

Cheesy Potatoe Stuff

Thats the stuff that goes in Pierogies. We always have a lot left over and have tried in the past to make up new things to do with the extra. Now we just throw it away. Posted by Picasa

Pierogie Dough

That's the dough. We used to do it the old fasioned way and make a volcano with the flower and put all the other stuff in the middle and mix it with our hands. Now we just throw everything into that mixer and it does the hard work. Posted by Picasa

Pierogie making

This is my favorite part of the Pierogie making process. Dad rolls out the dough and gives us circles, then we take a spoonfull of that potatoe cheese stuff and fold it in half. I like to go around the edges with a fork to make it look nice, that's a technique i picked up from Grandma. Posted by Picasa


Pierogies have to be boiled until they start to float up to the top, then you take them out and fry them. Posted by Picasa


That's dad frying the Pierogies. Posted by Picasa

Finished Pierogies

Those are the finished Pierogies. Posted by Picasa

After Dinner

That's what was left of the table after dinner. Notice the ranch dressing and salsa on my plate. I decided to spice up my pierogies this year. Posted by Picasa


Brian isnt very good at arriving on time. He kept saying he was going to leave early and then he left late so he missed dinner but I still made him go to church. Posted by Picasa


I put that pretty ribbon on Simba. He liked it. Posted by Picasa


That was our Christmas Tree. Posted by Picasa


That's our new tv. Posted by Picasa

Dad and his Safety Goggles

There's dad tearing out the shelves because the tv he got is too big to fit in that little hole. Notice the fasionable safety goggles he is wearing. Posted by Picasa

Gingerbread House

I picked up this Gingerbread house kit at world market cause I had never made one before. Brian tried to put it together because he is the architect and likes to build houses. But, he couldnt get the roof to not cave in so I, being the engineer I am, had to step in and create a more structurally sound design. Anyway, all the gumdrops fell off so it looks kinda funny. Posted by Picasa


Aunt Diane got simba that frog for christmas. She always remembers to get him something. Anyway, he played with it for like 5 minutes and went crazy and then he noticed we were all watching him and he got embarrassed. Now he only plays with it when he thinks no one is looking. Posted by Picasa


Simba is sad because I left him to go back to college. I got him that cool blue collar because he wore out his ribbon from Christmas. He wore the ribbon for like 3 weeks. Posted by Picasa