Sunday, May 08, 2005

There you are Caleb. Posted by Hello


Yesterday was my birthday. It was fun. I'll summarize it for you. I got up at 10ish, went to the rec and worked out, went home and took a shower. Then I went to TexGraph and watched some presentations about graphics, went and watched VisaGoGo, and after that we all went to Olive Garden and ate lots of food. Then we went back to my apartment and ate some cake and played some games.

It was super fun. Cassie documented the evening, here's some pictures.

Frazee, Me, and Greg Posted by Hello

Danny, Nathan, Landon, Greg, and Cam watching Jacob play Mortal Kombat. Posted by Hello

Cam, Leroy, Luke, and Jacob Posted by Hello

Nathan, Frazee, Landon, Jacob, Brandon, and me Posted by Hello

Greg and Jacob at my apartment Posted by Hello

That's Luke stealing my drink. Posted by Hello

Cassie and I Posted by Hello

Tour of Italys Posted by Hello

Jacob and Jasper Posted by Hello

Cassie and Dimitri Posted by Hello

That's Cam "stretching his face" Posted by Hello

Our table at Olive Garden. Posted by Hello

Greg, Frazee, and Jacob waiting for our table at olive garden. Posted by Hello