Saturday, April 16, 2005

Monday, April 11, 2005

Here is the bird closer in case you couldn't see him. Posted by Hello

So there is a vent right next to where my computer is, i thought it was for the air conditioning but it just goes into the wall, so maybe it's for if the shower leaks or something because the shower is on the other side of the wall. Anyway, this morning i was eating breakfast reading caleb's blog and i heard a fluttering sound that sounded like it was coming from my computer. So, I thought "oh great there is a cockroach in my computer." I looked around inside it but I didn't hear or see anything else. Then I heard it again and it sounded higher this time, so I thought it was my external hard drive crapping out or something until i saw little gray things poke out of the vent. Well, I just thought it was a moth so I left and went to school. Anyway, I came home later and now I heard the fluttering even more and then i saw feathers pop out of the vent. So I screamed for Cassie because she takes care of the scary stuff in our apartment. She took the vent off and sure enough there was a baby bird in there. He was scared of us though so we watched the hole until he jumped out and then Cassie caught him and took him outside. Anyway, I got a picture of him. His mom was waiting for him outside, so don't worry, he's ok.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Today I got a new refridgerator, took an Engineering test and watched 2 hours of Planet's Funniest Animals on Animal Planet. The funniest animal was Bina. She was sitting with us and looked up at the TV and saw a cat that looked just like her, and then she kept watching and then she got up and got closer to the tv and was totally watching it. It was weird. She stopped though when the commercials came on and we couldnt get her to do it again.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

rain in my room

So apparently my window leaks. I was sitting on my bed doing my homework listening to it rain. I guess the wind was blowing right at my window because the rain was hitting it hard. So I was thinking, what would happen if it started hailing and it broke through my window and rained all over my stuff, and it is then when i looked over and i could see rain drops on the corner of my chair. Sure enough, my monitor, my camera, my phone, my lamp, my desk, my window sill were all soaking wet. It wasn't hail though, my window just naturally leaks on it's own. I'm not sure how, somewhere at the top isn't really connected though and the rain came right in.

So I dont think anything is broken, my monitor was still on when i turned it off and unplugged it and dried it off so it is probably ok. My phone is still on, so it's probably ok. My most prized possession of the things that got rained on is my camera. I took the battery out and dried it off so hopefully it will be ok. Luckily the rain didn't angle itself over to my computer because that would have been real bad, and the surge protector is over there too and I don't think they do well with water.

Anyway, I guess I'll go to the office in the morning and let them know. They were also supposed to bring us a new refridgerator too but they never called us back, so I'll ask them about that too.

As for the rest of my day, I got up, went to my crappy Tuesday classes (I don't like Tuesday classes so much, mainly ENGR 211, Math is Ok but i hate ENGR), and came home and ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then I went to the rec with cassie. I ran a whole 2 miles! That's the most I've run ever and it amazes me because I haven't run more than 5 times since 7th grade when they used to make me run. Then I went to Below the Belt where we did a million squats, lunges, and other super-uncomfortable-leg-hurting-I-want-to-stop-but-they-wont-let-me exercies. Tomorrow my legs will be killing me, I can already feel them being stiff now.

Cassie made Cheesy Chicken Enchalada soup for dinner. She said it didn't turn out as good as the first time she had it, but I thought it was good, maybe I'm just too used to cambel's soup. I watched scrubs, but I think i missed the last 3 episodes because for some reason Carla was mad at Turk but I didn't know why, and I don't know what happened to JD's girlfriend. So, if someone could hook me up with those episodes, that'd be great.

Because my room flooded I only got to study one section of ENGR instead of the 3 that i had originally planned so tomorrow guess what I will be doing.

And with that, i'm going to bed.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This is a collage that Picasa made with the pictures I took before we saw Sin City. Posted by Hello