Wednesday, November 30, 2005

facebook pictures

If you go to college you probably know about facebook. If you don't, facebook is an online service that makes it incredibly easy to stalk that cute boy from the bus stop by finding out all his personal information, or to catch up with someone you havent seen since elementry school without having to really talk to them. Anyway, they have added a cool feature that makes it pretty easy to upload pictures and make albums. Since I've got a paper and a project due tomorrow I've been spending a lot of time surfing facebook. I just like this picture and decided everyone should look at it. It is from my cousin Joe's album. The caption for it is Intellectuals, and the one on the right is my cousin. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My Cat

Whenever I'm at home and I play on my computer my cat gets jealous and wants attention. He bites whenever I try to move the mouse. Posted by Picasa

No Lights

Here's the tree without the lights on so you can see the cool fiberoptic lights. They change colors and stuff. It's about the coolest tree I've ever seen. Posted by Picasa

Christmas Tree

So Picasa2 has a new button that opens up my blog and puts a picture in it. Pretty cool, huh. Anyway, This is my new Christmas tree. The other day I was at Target with mom and michael and we were looking at the fake trees. I said it would be cool if they had fiberoptic trees so you dont have to see all the dumb lights, it would just look like light is coming out of the tree. So, to make a long story short, they do have fiberoptic trees and they come in small size perfect for my living room and they are only 12 dollars. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


My life is still pretty uninteresting. But my friend Dimitri is living in Germany now and his blog is very exciting. You should check it out. He has a cool german apartment with no furniture and if you just read back like 4 posts he's been to 4 different countries. I've only ever been to 3 countries in my entire life.

Friday, November 04, 2005


People have been noticing that I havent been posting. Yes I am still alive, and no I dont think my cat is still in the shower, at least he wasnt the last time I saw him.

School is going well, I am past midterm time now so things have wound down a bit. I am now passing all my classes too.

I've still been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. This morning I had a dream about it. Pat, Cam, Mike, Michael, Jake, Landon, and I...

I dont feel like telling the story anymore, i'm gonna play WoW instead.

Friday, August 12, 2005

New Phone

I got a new cell phone yesterday. My cell phone has a new number, it is (removed). Call me some time.

Friday, July 29, 2005

The other day I kept finding my cat in the bathtub. He must think he's dirty or something. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 23, 2005

We danced and dueled after the initiation. Posted by Hello

This is the Grim Brothers marching to Camp Bloodhoof for my little brother's initiation into the guild.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I play World of Warcraft now. That's my tauren, Amibell, and my cat that Pat got me for getting to level 20.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

There you are Caleb. Posted by Hello


Yesterday was my birthday. It was fun. I'll summarize it for you. I got up at 10ish, went to the rec and worked out, went home and took a shower. Then I went to TexGraph and watched some presentations about graphics, went and watched VisaGoGo, and after that we all went to Olive Garden and ate lots of food. Then we went back to my apartment and ate some cake and played some games.

It was super fun. Cassie documented the evening, here's some pictures.

Frazee, Me, and Greg Posted by Hello

Danny, Nathan, Landon, Greg, and Cam watching Jacob play Mortal Kombat. Posted by Hello

Cam, Leroy, Luke, and Jacob Posted by Hello

Nathan, Frazee, Landon, Jacob, Brandon, and me Posted by Hello

Greg and Jacob at my apartment Posted by Hello

That's Luke stealing my drink. Posted by Hello

Cassie and I Posted by Hello

Tour of Italys Posted by Hello

Jacob and Jasper Posted by Hello

Cassie and Dimitri Posted by Hello

That's Cam "stretching his face" Posted by Hello

Our table at Olive Garden. Posted by Hello

Greg, Frazee, and Jacob waiting for our table at olive garden. Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005