Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I'm tired

So i've decided to take the day off. Yeah, i know wednesday is a random day to just take off, but I can do it. Except i've got a great diseases test later today so i have to do that, and guildhall is coming tonight so i'll have to do that. but i slept through computer science. It was nice.

Yesterday was kinda crappy. I failed my discrete test. It sucks. but i did pass my physics test. It's weird cause i though i had done well on the discrete test. Oh well.

I went to the rec with cassie yesterday and did the body blaster class again. I went last week and it totally killed me, like i couldnt walk down stairs for like 3 days. But i'm doing ok today, i'm a little sore, but nothing like last week.

I dont want to blog anymore right now.